Wannabe UK celebrity, 23 year old Josie Cunningham, is already 18 weeks pregnant - almost 5 months pregnant. But in a shocking revelation she made yesterday, she's having her lil unborn baby aborted this week because she believes her chance of appearing on Channels 5 UK TV’s Big Brother is worth more than her unborn child’s life.
The controversial model and call girl, according to
MirrorUK, got pregnant after a condom split when she was sleeping with a client in December. Then she had sex with a footballer and didn’t use contraception at all later on. When she found out she was pregnant and didn't know exactly who the baby's father is, the footballer and the client – who is a high-flying surgeon – both offered to support Josie financially if she had the baby. But she said no. So now, the footballer has agreed to pay for the abortion at a London private clinic.
Read all she told MirrorUK after the cut